Top Tips for Choosing Frames to Suit Your Face Shape

Choosing frames to suit your face shape can be an overwhelming task. It is especially true when picking from a variety of eye frames online. There are so many shapes, colors, and styles to select from. You may also not have the luxury of physically trying them on. Where do you start? Here are some tips to help you choose the right frames for your face.

What is Your Face Shape?

First, you need to know your face shape. Determining your face shape will guide your purchase. There are different ways to do this. You can make a visual assessment and take facial measurements.

Use a tape measure to take facial measurements. When measuring, consider your jaw, cheekbone, and forehead width. Also, check your hairline and note your most prominent feature. These are the features you need to look out for when determining your face shape.

Types of Face Shapes

The shapes of faces are as diverse as the shapes you may know. There are seven different face shapes. These include:

  • Round

  • Oval

  • Square

  • Rectangular

  • Diamond

  • Heart or Inverted Pyramid

  • Triangle

General Tips for Choosing Frames

The top tip is to select a shape that is proportional and contrasts your face. Following this tip will help you balance out your features and look flattering.

Another tip is to note decorative features. Some may highlight prominent areas on your face that you are trying to play down. Also, note the thickness and boldness of the frame. Some face shapes are better off with rimless or thin frames.

Here are some tips according to your face shape.


Round faces need angular frames to balance out features. They also add definition to your face. D-frames are perfect for this face shape. Make sure that your frames have a colorless or thin bridge and the bottom part lies just above your cheekbones.


Oval faces naturally have balance. Hence, they look good in a range of different frames. It allows you to be trendy, bold, and daring. Although cat-eyes or horn-rimmed frames are great, angular, and geometric frames will balance your more rounded features.


For this face shape, round and curvy frames work wonders. They soften the strong, angular lines of your face. Make sure your frames are also wider than your cheeks.


Rectangular face shapes are like oval ones, but the cheek line is straight. Choose eye frames that are deeper than wide to balance out your features. Decorative details on the temples are also an advantage.


Semi-rimmed glasses and cat eyes are the best for this face shape. They accentuate your brow line without overwhelming your cheekbones.

Heart or Inverted Pyramid

Make sure that your frames are slightly wider at the forehead. Thin or rimless frames are also an advantage. They will give balance to your features.


Your jawline is the widest part of your face. Thus, get frames with a wide top rim. Thick eye frames are the best. Make sure they have a strong bridge that emphasizes your brow line.

For more on choosing frames to suit your face shape, visit City Eyes Optometry Center at our office in Sherman Oaks, California. You can call (818) 960-1300 today to schedule an appointment.

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