Why Is OptiLight® the Most Effective Solution for Dry Eye Management?

The Food and Drug Administration has given De Novo authorization for OptiLight®. Lumenis Ltd. is responsible for creating this innovative device. OptiLight improves dry eye disease symptoms. If you want to find out why OptiLight is the most effective treatment for dry eye syndrome, here is what you should know.


Dry Eyes and OptiLight Technology


Lumenis Ltd. is a world leader in energy-based aesthetic, surgical, and ophthalmic medical devices. The company is the creator of IPL (intense pulsed light) technology. Its latest IPL device, OptiLight, improves the symptoms of dry eye syndrome. It aims to treat MGD (meibomian gland dysfunction). It provides eye doctors with an effective and safe dry eye treatment.


Dry eye syndrome is common among Americans. It manifests through burning, dry, tired, and gritty eyes with fluctuating vision. Studies show that MGD is the leading cause of dry eyes. OptiLight is the answer to this disease. The patented OPT® (optimal pulse technology) in OptiLight can improve meibum quality and meibomian gland expressibility.


How OptiLight Works


The IPL coming from OptiLight has a spectrum of 400-1200 nanometers. This range can treat MGD and improve the symptoms of DED (dry eye disease). MGD is also called lipid deficiency dry eye or evaporative dry eye. It affects patients who are at least 22 years old, with moderate to severe symptoms of DED. These patients have MGD, with I-IV types of Fitzpatrick skin.


The eye doctor applies OptiLight’s IPL on the malar region of the patient’s facial skin. This includes the nose. That is why the patient should wear protective eyewear during the treatment. The IPL from OptiLight aids warm compresses, meibomian gland expression, and artificial tear lubricants. Below are more of OptiLight’s capabilities in treating DED:


  • Removes abnormal blood vessels: OptiLight destroys abnormal blood vessels. These blood vessels cause inflammation.

  • Reduces inflammatory mediators: It lowers the level of inflammatory mediators. This blocks inflammation.

  • Improves tear breakup time: OptiLight enhances tear breakup time. It also decreases osmolarity.

  • Decreases Demodex population: Demodex mites in the eyes increase bacterial presence on the eyelids. They also trigger infection. OptiLight targets and eliminates most of them.

  • Restores meibomian glands: The technology improves the functionality and morphology of meibomian glands.


An OptiLight session lasts for about 15 minutes. You can have one during your work breaks. OptiLight can improve your DED in four sessions. Finding an eye clinic with OptiLight near your area will save you time.


The Contraindications


Patients cannot have OptiLight treatments if they have the following conditions:


  • Uncontrolled infections

  • Eyelid or eye surgery

  • Pre-cancerous lesions

  • Recent eye infections

  • History of rashes or sores in the perioral area (Herpes simplex)

  • Porphyria and systemic lupus erythematosus

  • Radiation therapy to the neck or head

  • History of epilepsy, migraines, or seizures


Possible side effects from OptiLight are pain, scarring, burns, and bruising. The patient may also experience damage to skin texture, excessive edema, and change in skin pigmentation. Xerosis and pruritus can also occur.


OptiLight is an effective solution to DED. At City Eyes Optometry Center, we prioritize the eye health and safety of our patients in our procedures. We are the first and only practice in Los Angeles with approval to provide the OptiLight treatment. Please visit our clinic in Sherman Oaks, California, for an in-person consultation. You can also call us at 818-960-1300 if you want to schedule an appointment or inquire about our OptiLight treatment packages.

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