
City Eyes Optometry Center Blog

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4 Common Fall Eye Problems

Although autumn has already come, the allergy attacks are not done yet. Allergens remain suspended in the air from spring to fall. The National Institutes of Health have data showing that debris and dry wind trigger optical problems.

Can Allergies Cause Dry Eyes?

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common ocular problems affecting 11 to 12 percent of the population. Individuals most at risk are adults older than 50 years, particularly women and contact lens wearers. The causes can be generalized to insufficient tears, mucins, and lipids to lubricate the eyes.

Is Dry Eye Syndrome Permanent?

Dry eye syndrome is one of the most common of all eye conditions. Our eyes rely on a sufficient amount of tear film in order to stay healthy and be able to move comfortably. Tear film provides lubrication, reduce the risk of eye infections, wash away any microorganisms and keep the surface of the eye smooth.

Reopening After Quarantine

We hope you are staying healthy and safe during the Coronavirus Pandemic. City Eyes Optometry will be reopening for routine eye care on Friday, May 15th.

Do You Need to Treat Dry Eyes?

Do your eyes feel scratchy or as if something is in them? You might have dry eye syndrome or dry eyes as it is also known. This is a common problem that can occur occasionally or over long periods. Symptoms like itchiness, redness, heavy eyelids, sensitivity to light, and burning or stinging sensation may be mild or severe. While it can be rather painful too, it should not affect your vision. However, there are severe cases of untreated dry eyes that result in visual impairment and scarring of the eye’s surface.

Which Specialty Lenses Are Right for Me?

Thinking about switching from your good, classic prescription eyewear to contact lenses? You are not alone. About 45 million Americans now wear contact lenses according to the American Optometric Association. Many people use contact lenses to correct a wide array of defects or refractive errors, and even to treat certain eye diseases. But how do you know which specialty lenses are right for you?

Top Speciality Lenses for Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome is a reasonably common issue and will affect most of us at some point during our lifetime. It occurs when the eyes no longer make enough natural lubrication to keep them comfortable, or when the substances that go into tear film aren’t perfectly balanced. It can also occur because the tear film drains too quickly. Most people who experience dry eye will only suffer temporarily and the condition will resolve itself. However, some unlucky patients will find that their dry eyes become chronic. This could mean that the symptoms come and go, or that they remain consistent.

What is the best treatment for dry eyes?

Dry eyes or dry eye syndrome is one of the most common conditions to affect this part of our anatomy. It occurs when the eyes no longer receive the lubrication that they need to keep them functioning comfortably. There can be several reasons why this happens, from our bodies no longer creating enough tear film to moisten the eyes, to the tear film draining from them too quickly. Whatever the reason, dry eyes can have a significant impact on our day to day lives. Whilst for some people it will clear up without intervention, other people may desperately seek treatment to alleviate their symptoms. Some of the indicators of dry eyes include stiff, scratchy and irritated eyes, redness, soreness, blurred vision and struggling to spend time in bright light.

Am I a Good Candidate for Lasik Surgery?

Millions of people struggle with issues associated with vision that is not crisp and clear. While corrective lenses might help to improve your ability to see, the everyday wear of contact lenses can become tiring. Contact lenses are also the leading cause of eye infections. Improperly cleaned or worn contacts can affect your ability to see and be comfortable. Additionally, many of our patients do not like how they look in any eyeglass frame.

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